- Advocate Harbour
- Amherst
- Annapolis Royal
- Antigonish
- Arichat
- Aulds Cove
- Aylesford
- Baddeck
- Barrington Passage
- Bear River
- Beaver Bank
- Bedford
- Belliveaus Cove
- Berwick
- Birch Plain
- Black Point
- Boularderie
- Bras d'Or
- Bridgetown
- Bridgewater
- Brookfield
- Brooklyn
- Canning
- Carleton
- Chester
- Church Point
- Coldbrook
- Cole Harbour
- Currys Corner
- D'Escousse
- Dartmouth
- Debert
- Digby
- Dingwall
- Dominion
- East Bay
- Eastern Passage
- Elmsdale
- Enfield
- Eskasoni
- Five Islands
- Florence
- Glace Bay
- Goffs
- Goldboro
- Grand Lake Road
- Granville Ferry
- Great Village
- Greenwood
- Guysborough
- Hacketts Cove
- Halifax
- Hammonds Plains
- Hantsport
- Havre Boucher
- Head of Chezzetcook
- Head of Jeddore
- Hebbs Cross
- Herring Cove
- Hubbards
- Hubley
- Hunts Point
- Indian Harbour
- Ingonish
- Ingonish Beach
- Inverness
- Iona
- Joggins
- Juniper Mountain
- Kennetcook
- Kentville
- Kingston
- LaHave
- Lakeside
- Lawrencetown
- Liverpool
- Lockeport
- Louisbourg
- Louisdale
- Lower Woods Harbour
- Lunenburg
- Mabou
- Mahone Bay
- Malagash
- Margaree Harbour
- Marion Bridge
- McKinnons Harbour
- Meteghan
- Meteghan River
- Middle Sackville
- Middle West Pubnico
- Middleton
- Milford
- Millbrook
- Monastery
- Mount Uniacke
- Musquodoboit Harbour
- New Germany
- New Glasgow
- New Minas
- New Ross
- New Waterford
- North East Margaree
- North Sydney
- Nyanza
- Oxford
- Parrsboro
- Pictou
- Port Dufferin
- Port Greville
- Port Hastings
- Port Hawkesbury
- Port Hood
- Port Mouton
- Port Williams
- Porters Lake
- Pugwash
- Reserve Mines
- Rose Bay
- Saulnierville
- Scotsburn
- Shad Bay
- Shelburne
- Sherbrooke
- Shubenacadie
- Smiths Cove
- Springhill
- Stellarton
- Stewiacke
- Sydney
- Sydney Mines
- Sydney River
- Tancook Island
- Tantallon
- Tatamagouche
- Timberlea
- Trenton
- Truro
- Tusket
- Upper Tantallon
- Wallace
- Walton
- West Dover
- Western Shore
- Westphal
- Westville
- Weymouth
- Whycocomagh
- Wileville
- Windsor
- Wolfville
- Yarmouth