Dive into a new experience with thai food and allow Taste of Thai to bring you something scrumptious, including yummy noodles. We have options for every member of the family to explore! We are located in Lexington, feel free to explore our restaurant menu or call us at (859) 255-1155!
Sam's Hot Dog Stand, Downtown Lexington - american (0.01 mi)
Bourbon on Rye - american (0.01 mi)
21c Museum Hotel Lexington - american (0.05 mi)
Corto Lima - latin american (0.05 mi)
Pearl's Pizza - american (0.06 mi)
Cities near Lexington
Nicholasville, KY (12 mi), Georgetown, KY (12 mi), Richmond, KY (21 mi), Frankfort, KY (23 mi)Towns near Lexington
Versailles, KY (9 mi), Midway, KY (12 mi), Winchester, KY (15 mi), Paris, KY (16 mi), Lawrenceburg, KY (22 mi)Explore restaurants in Lexington
Sirved has 502 restaurant menus for Lexington, Kentucky. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Italian, Asian or Mexican in Lexington. Dietary need? Let us show you all the gluten free, vegan or vegetarian options. Search Sirved for things like burgers 🍔, steak , tacos 🌮, sushi 🍣 and more. Need just a kids menu or drink menu? Sirved categorizes our menus to make exploring easier. Frequent searches leading to this page
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