It's canadian night! Samuel's Coffee House has incredible selection of canadian food. Visit them in Summerside today and try their salads to enjoy delicious food with the whole family! For more information about them and their menu, call (902) 724-2300.
Capt Submarine - american (0.02 km)
Frozu - canadian (0.06 km)
Beamer's A1 Pizza - italian (0.09 km)
South Central Kitchen & Provisions - canadian (0.11 km)
Michael's Pizzeria - italian (0.12 km)
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Sirved has 41 restaurant menus for Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Mexican, Asian or Italian in Summerside. Dietary need? Let us show you all the vegetarian, gluten free or vegan options. Search Sirved for things like steak , sushi 🍣, tacos 🌮, soup 🥣 and more. Need just a kids menu or drink menu? Sirved categorizes our menus to make exploring easier. Frequent searches leading to this page
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