Looking to try something new? Come to Williams Fresh Cafรฉ in 1280 Main Street West where you can try american food like our mouthwatering coffee. We aim to make you have the most healthy experience while at our restaurant. You can call us at (905) 792-0918 to ask any questions.
Phoenix Bar & Grill - american (0.1 km)
TwelvEighty Bar and Grill - canadian (0.27 km)
IAHS Cafe - canadian, american (0.27 km)
Cafe One - italian (0.3 km)
E-Cafe - american, canadian (0.44 km)
Cities near Hamilton
Burlington, ON (9 km), Ancaster, ON (11 km), Stoney Creek, ON (21 km)Towns near Hamilton
Dundas, ON (3 km), Waterdown, ON (6 km), Hannon, ON (15 km), Binbrook, ON (19 km), Caledonia, ON (23 km)Explore restaurants in Hamilton
Sirved has 676 restaurant menus for Hamilton, Ontario. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Asian, Mexican or Italian in Hamilton. Dietary need? Let us show you all the gluten free, vegan or vegetarian options. Search Sirved for things like tacos 🌮, burgers 🍔, steak , pasta and more. Need just a kids menu or drink menu? Sirved categorizes our menus to make exploring easier. Frequent searches leading to this page
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