Suds Brothers Brewery in Fruita is the place to go for mexican food in the region.Locate our many daily specials and featured menu items such as sandwiches and you'll be back for more. Give us a call at (970) 858-9400 and we'll greet you at the door!
Hot Tomato Pizza - italian (0.04 mi)
Copper Club Brewing Company - american (0.06 mi)
Bestslope Coffee Company - american (0.07 mi)
Judy's Family Restaurant - american (0.34 mi)
Pablo's Pizza - italian (0.44 mi)
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Sirved has 27 restaurant menus for Fruita, Colorado. Want a specific cuisine? Check out our best lists for Italian, Mexican or Asian in Fruita. Dietary need? Let us show you all the gluten free, vegan or vegetarian options. Search Sirved for things like sushi 🍣, tacos 🌮, wings , pizza 🍕 and more. Need just a kids menu or drink menu? Sirved categorizes our menus to make exploring easier. Frequent searches leading to this page
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